FaVU / Bookbinding / Knihařská dílna

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Knihařská dílna

Knihařská dílna slouží především studentům a zaměstnancům fakulty pro plnění úkolů souvisejících se studiem, publikační činností pedagogů, studentů a s propagační činností fakulty.

Knihařská dílna disponuje polygrafickými zařízeními na velkoformátový tisk, malonákladový digitální tisk a dokončovacím zařízením na vazbu publikací. Na pracovišti lze vytisknout a následně svázat vazbu V1, V2, V4, po domluvě vazbu V8. Informace a popis jednotlivých druhů knižních vazeb najdete na stránce Druhy knižních vazeb.

Po domluvě lze pracovat v dílně jen za účasti a dohledu vedoucím pracoviště. Vstup do dílny bez vedoucího pracoviště je zakázán. Vybavení nelze vypůjčit! Lze s ním pracovat jenom v Knihařské dílně. Celkový seznam vybavení Knihařské dílny najdete na stránce Vybavení.

Volné kapacity Knihařské dílny jsou využity k realizacím zakázek spřízněným kulturním institucím. 

Photo documentation of the Bookbinding Workshop

Teaching in the Bookbinding Workshop

Bookbinding 1, Bookbinding 2 are taught in the Bookbinding workshop, and this workplace also provides teaching for the subject Artist's Portfolio.


The course covers both ahnd-made and industrial book-binding. Gradually, students learn the practical and theoretical basics including polygraphic technologies while having aspects of graphic design in mind. They will learn how to use tools and machines in a boook-binding shop and they will learn about materials used in book-binding. They will learn about the possibilities of combining the various types of binding, materials, and further treatment. Thanks to this new knowledge, they will learn to combine graphic design wthe book-binding. The course includes work with Adobe InDesign, in which students will learn the basics of pre-printing preparation and document exportation. Due to their knowledge of polygraphy basics, students will be able to commission the production of printing materials and supervise the whole process from the first drafts to the finished product. They will also be able to assess the production possibilities and decide on the best and most effective technological procedure of production.

Artist´s Portfolio

During the semester, students will learn different ways of creating artist's portfolios. They will be presented with the differences between the printed and electronic portfolio and information on how the presentation of art is important for their future proffesional life (applications for internships, creative residences, study visits, and grants, writing exhibition projects, open call responses, etc.). During the seminars, students will learn the necessary information about what the portfolio has to meet in terms of content and content, learn to format text (eg CV in Czech and English), create descriptions for their works (in Czech and English), secure appropriate photo documentation, and eventually make their own artist's portfolio. During individual consultations, deficiencies will be corrected on an ongoing basis. The course will include a three-part series of lectures by teachers of FaVU VUT from various studios and fields, or their graduates, where students will learn about practical information about why the portfolio is important for its presentation and what are the rules and possibilities of its creation. During the semester, students will be able to consult the form of their projects at the Binding Workshop of the FaVU VUT, where they will also be able to print and bind them at the end.

Excursion - Secondary School of Art Management, 3/12/2021