3D Scanner ATOS I
•The ATOS 1 digitizing device captures the surface of the object through a set of cameras and light projection and converts it into a digital form, which is then displayed by special software as a point cloud from which the desired 3D model is subsequently created.
•It is suitable for scanning technical components, sculptures and objects with an emphasis on surface granularity and accuracy.
•Highly accurate scanning of complex objects with a high level of detail.
•Ideal object size range - from 5 cm to 5 m.
•Scanning in other smaller or larger sizes is possible by agreement.
•This is a relatively large device but can be transported to the desired location by arrangement.
•Necessity of using adhesive reference points.
•For a transparent, black, glossy object, surface treatment with anti-reflective spray or model coating is necessary.
•Cannot be used outdoors.
•Cannot be used to scan live objects and people.
•Models do not carry the color texture of the scanned object.
•3D scanner is located in room 109 on the ground floor of building U5.
•The person responsible for the operation is Bc. Jiří Pec, DiS.

3D Scanner Artec Eva
•Suitable for obtaining a fast 3D model including color texture.
•Scanning accuracy 0.5 mm.
•Ideal object size range - from 50 cm to 5 m.
•Scanning in other smaller or larger sizes is possible by appointment.
•It is a small portable device with the possibility of working outdoors.
•No reference marks or calibration required.
•For a transparent, black, glossy object, it is necessary to modify it by surface matting with anti-reflective spray or by surface treatment of the model.
•It is suitable for scanning people.
•3D scanner is located in room 109 on the ground floor of building U5.
•The person responsible for the operation is Bc. Jiří Pec, DiS.